…stands on a firm foundation of profitable growth and positive change. At the Freed Agency, We help purpose-driven individuals create meaningful business solutions that impact the people, planet, and animals in a positive way because we are all united and connected.
Our job is to ignite purpose, mission & passions to bring success to you and the planet - because you don’t have to choose between having a successful business and protecting the environment.
We all have our “someday” goals—but who says that “someday” will ever come? The time to think big is now. It’s time to innovate, reflect, and fiercely hold onto the positive change you want to make in the world. It’s time to make your brand the hero of this story.
You are the foundation of your brand.
At the heart of it, it’s you. We believe that you are the game-changers, the lightworkers, the entrepreneurs who know they can and will make a change in this world utilizing accountability and social responsibility and using collective effort to create change. Laying out your heart and your values on the conference room table does elevate your brand, make it more human, and push inauthentic competitors out of the picture for good. When you challenge corporate brands with authenticity and empathy, you claim your stake in the market. The vulnerability that comes from your story becomes the key to effective leads, conversion, and brand strategies that win.
Your business’s potential to do good is good business.
Plain and simple. Knowing and owning the melody of that beating drum is what sets you apart from everyone else. Why? Because you have initiative. You want to make a positive change. And when you have passion, goodwill, and a killer product, your business can soar. Saving the planet and changing the world isn’t just the job of conservationist crusaders and Greenpeace activists anymore. It’s our collective dream. It’s our collective responsibility. Big business doesn’t have to mean bad business. And success can go hand-in-hand with sustainability. We are the change we want to see in the world, and when your business evolves, we all do.